15 Oct, 2024

The face-foot-shoe phenomenon

Jokes aside….😂😂😂 the face-foot-shoe phenomenon . I came up with this name or title or named something today, and I’m here to tell you about it.  Over the past …..maybe 6  years, I got to realise that people’s faces look like the shoes they wear. Not literally, but literally………..am I confusing you? Well,let me try […]

1 min read


When approached by a colleague to write an article for the school magazine of a certain Girl’s secondary school. I wrote them this. Felt the need to share. Enjoy! If I had a chance to be 15 again, I would be a different girl than I am today at 22. Not to say that am […]

1 min read

My No option moments……part 1

While touring and sight seeing in Capetown early this year in the company of two friends, we took enough pictures and made countless videos, that we didn’t notice our phone batteries drain to 0% . none of us had carried a power bank. By that time, around 3:30pm, we had reached HOUT BAY, a suburb […]

2 mins read

What inspires my writing

If you have talked to me before or overheard my conversation with other people, you must know how talkative I am. Its rare that I will tolerate silence especially with familiar people. I know how to keep my people entertained. Silence feels odd to me. Many times I have arguments inside my head. I agree […]

1 min read