My Happy 25
I have been so away, it’s not an excuse because I can write in just afew minutes if I want to, daily. But while I was away, I was growing 😊.
I turned 25 yesterday. All my life I used the phrase “I’m a young girl”. But today, it odly sounds odd. I don’t think I can say it anymore. Ofcourse I’m still “a young girl” but, I’m not exactly sure I see myself that way?
Well, 24 was a year that largely just passed by , I guess because of internship. I made many decisions I don’t regret, I met new people , I picked new decisions and made better connections. My concerns about this past year were really largely manageable.
I forgot to mention, I threw my phobia for driving away and decided to take this driving thing serious. I got my driving permit on 9th Feb. 11th Feb which also doubled as my birthday was the first day I drove to work by myself. What a great way to start the new age
25 should be better. I can feel it 😊.