3 mins read

I won by 7 votes

A few days ago, i was in a race of 3 , and they wanted two leaders from the 3, for GRC MEDICINE.
The decision to take part was not an easy one to make, and maybe i could say that for once Society helped me make a productive decision. Then i actually went for it, not in full gear though. Half way, i felt like i shouldn’t just do it for my people, but i still couldn’t disappoint my people  . PS: I sort of wanted it too.
I took it for granted that i had to win, and i ended up giving it just a quarter of the effort needed. Official  Campaigns ran for 7 days to the voting day, yet i stopped campaigning 3 days to the campaigning day.
My true friends did all the good for me.
Proud of you guys who believed in me and wanted this much more than i did.
Time for counting votes, i could stay because of my weak heart, I just went to my room and slept(prayed) as my agents witnessed the counting.
After about 50 minutes, i received a call with screams in the background from the excitement, and for the first time in like 30 hours, i had a real sigh of relief .
Claire , a friend of mine who had called told me i had won by just 7 votes.
7 votes? I thought to my self. At that instant, my mind rushed searching for the 7 random people i had pleased with just a manifesto, the friends i had made in a space of 1 month, 1week, the friends i had made through friends, the votes i imagined i had won by just impression on the people. And actually the number went beyond 7. I could say i lost count because they were very many.
…..I couldn’t smile, actually. I was shocked. I was confused. I threw a victory party that night, but i don’t remember dancing that night, because i was still in shock.

But the next morning when i woke up, i was calm and thought all this through, and maybe i picked a lesson. My lesson was   to make the most of every opportunity i get. To see and feel the value of every person i meet, and to never take any person’s ability to save me for granted. These people save me from a loss by favouring me with their votes.
Am forever thankful and greatful to each one of you guys, may God bless each one of you abundantly.
My special thanks to my family,  my girl friends, Blaise, Cena, Edgar,Eryeek , Jones , my amazing  class mets, everybody who advised me and Year one Medicine2015/2016.

thanks for reading

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