You need a lawyer.
Am currently in medical school, but I have developed a deep and strong love for Law . I wish I could join law school right after doing masters in paediatrics. But I still don’t see how this is happening.
Every time am watching things to do with Law, like Scandal, or How to get away with Murder , Television Series about Law, my eyes are always glued to the screen. I can hardly blink or breath. Now this is what I call passion.
I love the way lawyers do their thing. People suing for this case and the other. Very small cases that can actually be solved man to man, But maybe be because they want to sue and prove a point huh:roll:.
A particular case perturbs me. I have watched enough about judges , the law and court, but this particular case has never been presented. Look at this case scenario. For example, invasion of one’s property is a crime, and should be punishable by law. But cases where evidence hasn’t been presented, there is no case at all.
Yaa, I know you are wondering how I get to say this yet you have witnessed such crimes daily.
Maybe, I can be more specific and say mind invasion. Yaa, you read right .
Don’t you think its a valid case??? Someone invades your mind, takes away your every sense of sanity. You think about the same person all the time, every time, everyday. This affects the way you do your daily activities, and your night activities which include sleep , because you think about the same person even as you slide into the Slow wave stage of sleep. Yes, and they even continue to occupy your dreams, and you can’t do anything about it. Dear reader, please tell me if this isn’t a valid case. But due to lack of evidence, such a case can’t be created and presented.
Now am starting to wonder if I should keep up my love for law.
If such a case is ever presented in law school, please call me. Then, I might think about joining law school. Maybe I can help the very many victims of this particular case .
thanks for reading