When buying land.
2 mins read

When buying land.

Generally speaking , there are very many things to look out for when buying land. Today I’ll just outline basic things to look out for, with the main emphasis being in the direction of how to help you not buy that already belongs to someone else or how to be sure you’re buying land not “air” like people like to say.

1. Do you know the rightful owner? And does he/she have proof for it? You will meet people who will say; this is my land. Okay sure, we’re not disputing this, but where are the papers for it? You must have heard of stories of children “selling” land that belongs to their parents, only for parents to show up after months and say they have never sold to anyone.

2. How many other people own this land? You could be speaking to the owner of the land, but he/she could be an owner with 4 others. If all these haven’t signed off, then they haven’t sold. Same applies for land owner by both wife and husband. Both have to be present.

3. Before you pay, let them do a full transfer of documents, the land itself, and all those small transfer necessities you’ll find out about when you purchase land. This sounds and seems obvious, but the moment this person receives money before they have handed over the land and other transfer documents to you, you are no land owner. They can scan you and keep their land and your money too. This by the way applies for any other kind of properties too

4. Is the land owned by another person? If you read my previous blog post, ( https://violahnahurira.com/protecting-your-land/ ) , you will know that there could be another owner of your land, someone who probably holds ownership documents that you don’t. Get a surveyor to survey your land and get actual boundaries, then go to the registra and actually discover who the latest owner of this land is. You could be surprised.

5. Lastly, please don’t pay too much for this land. Paying too little for it’s value isn’t your problem. But paying too much is. Look around, see the neighbourhood and think of what you hope to use this land for. Find more about that in my earlier post on The Value of land ( https://violahnahurira.com/the-value-of-land/ )

I wish you a Happy Land Ownership. I’ll share more info as it comes.

Big hugs❤️. (I still think I give really good hugs)

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