Memoir of an intern Doctor… Day 94
Happy new year my beautiful people, and a happy new decade to you all. I wish you all your heart’s desires in this year. Also, I’m done with my 1 month Surgery rotation. Its been a rollacoaster…..a fun one. I don’t even know where all my previous fear disappeared to, all I know is that […]
Memoir of an intern doctor….day 64
Day 2 in surgery. I was in surgical outpatient for the greatest part of the day. One patient who had been done a prostate biopsy about 2 weeks ago picked his histology results and brought them to my colleague for interpretation. The results were negative for malignancy. We expected this to be very good news […]
Memoir of an intern doctor… 58
Medical legal issues are becoming a thing in this country. I don’t know whether to attribute it to patients getting to know their rights or to the increasing rates of unemployment among lawyers….no offense lawyers, Doctors are unemployed too. So today, I witnessed an interesting senario. Lawyer X heard of a story about a certain […]
Memoir of an intern doctor….day 56
Maternal deaths scream louder than any other kind of deaths in Medicine, Very loud. And you never want this death to happen at your watch. Because even when you do everything to save this mother, somehow every finger always points back at you. I survived one yesterday. I was by the side of this patient […]
Memoir of an intern doctor….day 51
Day 51 going strong, still working hard, smiling, and having my patients bless me. Yes, I get that daily. I have been told ‘Medicine looks good on you’ in those exact words. But I have a major challenge. I have failed to meet that fine line between Empathy and Sympathy . I have failed 😢. […]
Memoir of an intern Doctor…days 43, 44, 45
I knowww, I didn’t live 3 days in one, but honestly speaking, I feel like I did. Past 3 days, this could be the first time I’m sobber and not worried about who hasn’t had their ECHO done or whose hyperkalemia isn’t going down despite doing everything possibly available, and why a 90 year old […]
Memoir of an intern Doctor…day 41
my colleagues and I decided last night that we’d wake up at 6am today and start the ward round so we get to finish very early and go to church for the first time this internship. We woke up, did everything as planned. But we didn’t make it to church. Somehow we failed to make […]
Memoir of an intern doctor…. Day 40
We know no weekends. And we have accepted that. We are not complaining, just reminding our dear friends and families that we love you dearly even when we don’t call you much or make it to planned getaways and parties. We still love you. 325 days to go
Memoir of a doctor intern… 38
I completed my 30hours shift of no sleep but work today. Started my day yesterday and worked all through to the night . the night was very busy , so I got no sleep till morning and just crossed over to another day’s work. I actually got to shower at 11am the next day and […]