The future, a crowded future
When we talk of the future, many times we imagine it in terms of technology. Probably flying cars, no smoke, Apps for literally everything, a clean and sparkles world. Today i thought to myself what the future would look like in terms of the population and how we will occupy the never increasing land. People […]
Quit being toxic
The world is toxic enough and you have no business contributing to its toxicity. If someone hates another, its their business. Instead of taking sides with one and helping them hate on another, just help settle their misunderstandings to reunite them and if that’s too hard for you, just Let them hate and tear each […]
Physical pain? Or emotional pain
Today while on my ward rotation at the paediatric oncology clinic, i took moments of endless blinking just to hold back my tears as I imagined what kind of pain patients were going through. Little kids with big dreams of the future, yet their years to live are maybe 1 or 2 or even months. […]