One of those day…..Excerpts from the songs of heart by Talamoi
1 min read

One of those day…..Excerpts from the songs of heart by Talamoi

It is one of those days
When the sun rises slowly and the golden sunset
is dampened
Its on such days that the ungodly storms rage and the
quiet bliss is silenced.
Such days as these, when the clock ticks slower and
gloom takes longer.

Its on days such as these
That we scratch for a silvering in the clouds and a ray of
light from the dark clouds.
The days of gloom remind us to be antifragile
Yes, that robust is just not good enough and
neither is resilience.
The aftermath of gloom is the test of our strength
and anti fragility
The calm after such a storm is what defines our new
paths and charts our progress.
This antifragility is all we need.

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