If I could time travel back the 5 years of med school
Picture taken exactly after my last exam. 31st may 2019.
Today while seated in my zone and thinking about the past, I realised there is so much I could have done in the 5 years I spent in med school. Obviously I can’t go back to year 1 and redo all this, and even if I did, it would never feel the same….I can’t go back. But if I could, here are some of the things I would have wanted to do different.
Make some money. Real business. (This thought is inspired by my main aim in life……to be rich) I’m convinced to believe that if I had started a business…say Juice business or any business that could at least generate 2 million profit per semester….. Which I believe is achievable and even beyond, for 10 semesters, that would be at least 20 million….😋.
I’m sure I’d never change the way I spent my money these 5 years though. Because even the reckless spending sometimes, it earned me great memories…..so I got no regrets on that
I’m also sure I would have made some friendships stronger , but also never invested in some…
And yessss…..I think I would have dated different. Maybe one real man per academic year..😂. 5 isn’t so big a number after all.
I would also invest in my health . get a gym membership somewhere and be very consistent, Feed better…..not the rush hour fries, pizza and pork parties, I’d also take less soda
A better christian, yes I’d be a better christian. Read my bible, pray and have a better relationship with my God
I’d probably give my blog more time.. ……yes. Like a real baby of my own
I’m sure I wouldnt be nicer. Just what iam or less? Not sure
I’d definitely still play Chess, still be a student leader, still be a volunteer at every chance I get, and still be the bubbly smiley child my parents know
I learnt from the mistakes, and I carry no regrets .
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Reblogged this on Ruth Grace and commented:
Keep doing what you do! School was just a shield I think we should keep leaping up to all these opportunities!
The years the locust have eaten are not lost in God’s sight. Also whenever you ever think of that pancake, kiosk, …… business besides your regular Job, believe me the grace will be sufficient for the start and restoration will be in your corner
Thanks Winzi. 😊