2 mins read

Don’t we love to Shine? 🌋

So we all love to shine at what we do. Shinning on a ward round after answering all questions, shinning as your parents applaud you for good grades, shinning at the work place when you boss recognises your effort, shinning at the pool being the best swimmer around, shinning at family gatherings……when called to give speeches because you have made it in life. 

And by the way, the desire to shine is a thing that we were born with. Its like we literally live for it. Remember that time in nursery school when you finished shading your work and put your hand up very fast so the teacher could pick on you to show the class your work? Exactly, you were making your shine although you may not have realised it.

But what happens when we grow? We usually decide to get comfortable and decide to settle for just the average. Or even settle for being just friends with people who are shinning.😂😂. Deep down we want to Shine, but we aren’t working as much for it.

One thing I have learnt in the past few years is that one shine leads to another . seriously speaking, you must have seen someone who is there just going about life, and then suddenly they shine at something, and then another and another.  And all we do most times is watch them shine from a distance and probably judge that they work rather too hard……guess what? The hard work got them Shining.

When we shine at something, the world gets to know us . and when the world gets to know us, it provides us with more opportunities to shine and those opportunities bring on other opportunities. 

Shine your shine. From as small a something is to as greater as it can get. If its sweeping your class room like we used to do in primary school, do it the very best way, it could earn you the post of Class monitor . If its cooking, bring out your very best recipe, you dont know who could be dropping by for dinner. If its dressing up, bring your A game on, it could earn you that Job or get that special someone even more attracted to you….why not? .  Sometimes the universe gives us just one opportunity to break through. And I hope that one opportunity finds us ready. 

Keep shinning at everything you do. However small.


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