Contract marriages….anyone?
In a world where man doesn’t trust woman and viceversa, a world full of disappointments, cheating, confusion, love for money, lust, but with a deep desire to bond, cocreate , have companionship, intimacy, a world where what we want robs us of what we have. Broken marriages after just 2 months of marital ceremonies costing millions of money that leave us broke and indebt.
I have been thinking for sometime now and I realise arranged marriages that happened way back saved us from many of these occurances. However, arranged marriages never solved the issue of unhappy marriages. Maybe they even encouraged domestic violence and a other forms of psychological torture.
But how about a world where we could choose. Choose who to be happy with, and when, and have a choice to leave when. Enter a marriage with clear expectations, just like having a business partner. Yes I’m talking about contract marriage.
Yea, I know what you’re thinking. How will your Aunt from Kasese take it? Or your granny from Kabale. In my opinion, you don’t have to tell them.
Join your contract marriage, be happy, if after your contract you decide to live forever, then sign another “lifetime” kinda contract. If it hasn’t worked out after 5 years, then move to another🙈. Till you find one with whom you can do that “lifetime shit” with.
Let’s get those opinions coming. I’m ready.
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Thanks Viola.
Marriage of these days should be like nunship ,they first put you on a contract untill when they see that the person is ready for the final and permanent commitment
Yes please. There’s alot of uncertainty and its killing everyone from within