1 min read


Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Nîn hâo, Guten Tag, Olá, Namaste, 

I bring you good news💌.  like you have already noticed , the primary site name for this blog has been changed to Health and lifestyle

Starting 30th September this year….which by the way is just 14 days away, I’ll be introducing two new pages/columns on this page.

1. Health

This will mainly be about health hacks everyone should know….especially for the non-medics and med students 😊. And also I will be explaining common diagnoses and telling you about certain myths in health seeking behaviours and also telling you about certain preventive measures .

2. Memoir of a medical intern. 

Yes, I’m even more excited about this one. I’ll be starting medical Internship this October 1st , running for a year. After all the internship stories I’ve heard, I can’t wait to give you a daily account of my life as an intern Doctor. 

Like, follow, comment, subscribe ,reblog . 



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