Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Nîn hâo, Guten Tag, Olá, Namaste,
I bring you good news💌. like you have already noticed , the primary site name for this blog has been changed to Health and lifestyle .
Starting 30th September this year….which by the way is just 14 days away, I’ll be introducing two new pages/columns on this page.
1. Health .
This will mainly be about health hacks everyone should know….especially for the non-medics and med students 😊. And also I will be explaining common diagnoses and telling you about certain myths in health seeking behaviours and also telling you about certain preventive measures .
2. Memoir of a medical intern.
Yes, I’m even more excited about this one. I’ll be starting medical Internship this October 1st , running for a year. After all the internship stories I’ve heard, I can’t wait to give you a daily account of my life as an intern Doctor.
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